TD Welcomes Change in HSE Policy on Use of PPE in Nursing Homes

TD Welcomes Change in HSE Policy on Use of PPE in Nursing Homes

TD welcomes change in HSE policy on use of PPE in nursing homes

Bríd Smith TD: “Need to have masks freely and widely available for general public as well”

People Before Profit TD Bríd Smith has welcomed a change in the policy of the HSE on the use of protective equipment for health care workers. She said the change was especially welcome in the settings of nursing homes. Deputy Smith had raised the concerns of workers in nursing homes who had been told they could not use protective face masks while caring for patients until there was a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the facility.

She said: “The previous guidance was insane given the catastrophe we see in nursing homes, and the ability of the virus to spread via asymptomatic carriers”.

Deputy Smith said she would raise the issue at today’s Dáil briefing (14.30pm) with HSE officials and ask that they also prepare a plan to make face masks freely and widely available for the general public and those that wish to wear them in public places.

“We see this happening in other European cities and countries, so I think it’s right that any member of the public who is expected to return to work or school should have such masks freely available if they wish to wear them.”

She added: “We must insure no health care worker is placed in a position where concern over running out of PPE overrides safe practice, in the longer term we also need to ensure we have an ongoing supply of PPE based in Ireland, that we can mass produce them and have this under the control of the public sector. That is the only way we can be sure these issues don’t arise continuously in the months ahead.”

The TD also said she also intends to raise issues relating to the transfer of nursing home residents to acute hospitals with HSE official today, saying she was still seeking figures from the Minister on how many of those who have died in nursing homes to date were considered as suitable or unsuitable for transfer to intensive care and how these decisions are made in each nursing home.