Join The People Before Profit Contingent On The IPSC National Demonstration For Palestine

Assemble 1pm Garden of Remembrance, March to the Dáil.

The students at Trinity College are to be commended for forcing authorities to divest from Israel. In a few short days, they have done more for real solidarity than all the ‘words of concerns’ from the government. The Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael-Green government have refused to even fly a Palestinian flag at the Dáil on Nakba day.

 Israel is carrying out a genocidal campaign with impunity before our eyes. As long as it has US backing, it will continue to murder and try to drive Palestinians out of Gaza. The US has just announced another 1 billion dollars on weaponry, pretending that donations of tanks are somehow better than bombs.

The elections on June 7th for local councils and the European parliament are important.

  • We need to elect councillors who are pledged in advance to push a BDS policy on the council. Hewlett Packard, for example, has a contract with many councils to supply computer services. But the same company is supplying the Israeli police and prisons. It should not be used.
  • Ursula von der Leyen is a disgrace who supports Israel’s ‘right to self defence’. She has to be removed and we need voices in the European Parliament who advocate real solidarity action with Palestinians.

People Before Profit-Solidarity are running 50 candidates in the local elections and they are pledged to advocate a BDS policy in any council they are elected to.

There will also be three candidates in the European elections – Brid Smith for Dublin; Cian Prendeville for South; and Brian 0’Boyle for Midlands- North-West. If elected they will be a clear voice for Palestine, against racism and EU militarisation and for workers’ rights.

People Before Profit is the only party that guarantees it will never enter coalition with Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael or join governing blocs with them in local councils. Without that clear pledge, your vote for other parties can be used to keep these right-wing parties in power.

This is why we are asking you to help us take seats in the coming elections. You can do this by texting ELECT to 0872839964 or contacting [email protected]  You can also come to our public meeting after the march.