Is the Lisbon Treaty Good for Women?

Public meeting hosted by Feminist Open Forum

Central Hotel, September 3rd, 7.30pm

"Is the Lisbon Treaty Good for Women?"
On June 12th, 2008, women were one of the largest sections of No voters on the Lisbon Treaty. As October 2nd nears, the date of the second referendum on this treaty, Feminist Open Forum begins its autumn/winter schedule of events with a debate on Lisbon.
The question we pose is: Is this treaty good for women? While some of us may not have made up our minds yet, tonight’s guest speakers are in no doubt how they will vote.

Speakers: Joan Burton, TD, Senator Deirdre De Burca, Mary Lou McDonald, vice president of Sinn Féin & Patricia McKenna, former MEP and Chairperson of the People’s Movement
For more info contact: Therese Caherty 086 0704036 / Ailbhe Smyth 087 2055433
For No Campaign see: