Unite’s water workers in 12 local authorities have been on a 48-hour strike since early Thursday morning. Unite nominally wants recognition of their union by the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) and all the workers want action from the Minister over the LGMA as Bríd Smith TD noted in the Dáil.
This is a Unite strike with huge approval from the members, but SIPTU who represents the vast majority of workers had voted to go on strike by 90-95% around the country. It was called off at the last minute by SIPTU because of promises made by Minister Darragh O’Brien to have the LGMA red-circle those agreements. But the LGMA has not issued any statement and neither have County and City Management Association. These are the water workers’ actual employers until the they are transferred to Uisce Eireann or another service in the council. Workers need written promises not more verbal agreements.
Well done to these workers for sticking up for each other. Unite did the right thing to escalate ballot to on the transfer agreement- the workers voted it down because it didn’t guarantee to red-circle all their earnings. They went on strike on 30 June and then followed it up with an escalated 2-day strike.
This strike is having a big impact: workers are respecting the pickets in important strategic locations like Leixlip Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Fingal County Council; Waterford City Council reported a water main break last night at 6pm disrupting traffic; Precautionary boil water notices were in effect there and Tipperary; Strong solidarity was shown between workers with mass refusals to cross picket lines reported across the country; Waterford Councillors refused to meet last night in solidarity with the water workers.
The power of the workers’ strike is growing and going strong. We’re with the workers 100%.
Unite water workers on their Deansrath picket in South Dublin County Council with People Before Profit’s Councillor Madeleine Johansson, reps Darragh Adelaide and Mark Kerins.
Water Workers picketing in Leixlip. Fingal Rep Ollie Power for People Before Profit on Thursday 13 July.
TD Paul Murphy with rep Ollie Power with Unite strikers on the main gates of the Leixlip Plant on Thursday.
On the Ballycoolin Water Services Depot with the Unite strike on Friday morning.
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