People Before Profit Demand Transparency In Any Changes To The Management Of Lafcadio Hearn Gardens

People Before Profit Waterford notes with serious concern the plans by Tramore Development Trust to create a new company to oversee the Lafcadio Hearn Gardens.  This is a publicly owned and funded resource which, if TDT requires to free up their time and resources, can return to the Local Community Development Committee for tendering out in a publicly transparent process.  The creation of a new company to take on this public asset is not within the remit of TDT.

Local PBP spokesperson Úna Dunphy said “There are sometimes good people with great intentions on Boards, but they often do not have an understanding of Social Inclusion when dealing with public projects.  While we may be familiar with the concepts of economic marginalisation and social exclusion, we are less so with that of cultural exclusion.  Access to the Arts and the opportunity to engage in active cultural citizenship appear to be distributed highly unevenly across Irish society.  Any projects getting public funding must ensure social inclusivity, especially in the management of venues that already have a strong community dividend.  While the Lafcadio Hearn Gardens have success in the business/tourism areas, the closing off to the public of a community garden has not been adequately balanced.”

The funding stream for Tramore Development Trust is that of Pobal’s Community Services Program.  The terminology used by TDT is straight out of the guidebook Community Café, Social Enterprise, Community Development, but are these projects true to the value and vision of social inclusion?  Do they respond to the needs of the Community as per the Community Service Program?  TDT is now in existence for 20 years.  It is unfortunate that it uses abridged accounts, so that the public are not privy to the Annual Financial Statements in any detail, while all projects are being funded by the public purse.

Úna continues: “While it’s great to see the Coastguard station and Tramore House embellished and renovated, there needs to be added oversight that these projects are in keeping with the funding rules.  For example, a Community Café responding to the needs of the town should have a training aspect, especially in a tourist town without any catering training.  Clear guidelines for Community Cafes are developed by Pobal through the Paul Partnership.  Emphasis when utilising Job Activation Schemes should be on job activation, otherwise, rather than a social enterprise, it can become a commercial enterprise competing with other businesses in the town, but with the added advantage of free labour.”

People Before Profit Waterford call on Waterford Council to further investigate this move to pass on the Lafcadio Hearn Gardens, to ensure that any changes are in keeping with correct tendering processes and that the public are consulted regarding how a community dividend is kept to the forefront of this public amenity.  We urge that this be clarified ahead of any decision being taken at Thursday’s meeting.