People Before Profit candidates call for an immediate General Election
People Before Profit candidates across the country today called on the government to resign & announce an immediate General Election: seven weeks is too long to wait.
Cllr. Joan Collins, People Before Profit candidate in Dublin South Central, said;
“Today the government finally announced the day they would be kicked out of office. But seven weeks is too long to wait. This government has no credibility left and has becoming a running joke. They have no mandate to push through this budget that will cripple working class people. This government is the most hated in the history of the state. The people want a general election and they want it now.”
Cllr. Richard Boy Barrett People Before Profit candidate in Dun Laoghaire said;
“The political fiasco of the past few days would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. While Fianna Fail ministers hatch backroom deals to decide who will lead the sinking ship, hundred of thousands of people are dealing with the very real effects of the economic crisis that this government created. The charade must end today with the calling of an immediate general election.”