Oppose Far-Right Activity In Clonmel

People Before Profit unequivocally condemns the recent far-right activity at the site earmarked to house Ukrainian families on HSE land on the Heywood Road in Clonmel. This includes the hospitalisation of a security guard, criminal damage to a number of cars, and arson.

These attacks are part of a larger, national, far-right campaign of violence and terror, organised in secret and directed especially towards refugees and accommodation centres.

As noted by many local leaders, including even local Fianna Fáil Councillor, Siobhan Ambrose, opposition to the refugee accommodation comes not from the majority of Clonmel people, but a small, noisy minority whose methods rarely stray from hate, violence and intimidation.

While there is justified anger at the failed housing policies of the government led by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, the interests of no one except the far right are served by targeting site workers or attacking refugees.

Unvetted far-right protestors, given political cover by at least one Tipperary TD, feel comfortable spreading hate and emboldened in their attacks on our diverse and multicultural town because they remain unchecked by law enforcement or any other branch of government.

This situation, like the housing crisis itself, is unsustainable. We must communicate our needs to the government in a transparent and clear manner, which is more than the government has done about their accommodation plans for refugees.

The 2022 census revealed that there are over 160,000 empty houses in the country.  Developers are sitting on planning permissions for up to 88,000 more. Local Authorities are taking up to three years to turn empty social houses around for new tenants.

For those who wish to fight for better housing policy in Ireland, please join the Housing Rally Saturday 25th May at 2.30pm outside the Custom House in Dublin.