Online Streaming Of Council Meetings Up For Debate

Online Streaming Of Council Meetings Up For Debate

People Before Profit cllr Adrienne Wallace has tabled a motion ahead of Monday’s Carlow County Council meeting that calls for the online streaming of council meetings. She says local authorities need to move with the times and increase transparency and accessibility to local government.

Cllr Wallace added “So many decisions are made in council meetings that affect peoples lives and their locality, however it is often hard to find out what’s been said and how elected reps are voting. As it stands there are needless barrier to members of the public who want to find out exactly what happens in these meetings and we must change that. Transparency Internationalranked Carlow Council 26 out of 31 in terms of its transparency, with an overall rating of 46% so there is clearly room for improvement.”

Cllr Wallace concluded “It is time Carlow council moved with the times and welcomed modern technology to improve accessibility and transparency. As a result of the Pandemic with the move online Carlow council currently has the technology to make the online streaming of council meetings a reality. There is nothing holding back this move, expect perhaps the political will from those who want to continue to make decisions behind closed doors.”