O’Neill: We’ve Won Ground On Equality But Long Way To Go For Women’s Liberation

People Before Profit Cllr Maeve O’Neill said,

“We have made progress on women’s equality and we deeply salute those efforts – but we still have a long way for women’s liberation.

The political establishment will continue to drag its feet on reproductive rights, equal pay, sex education and much else that makes our lives harder and more dangerous until they are pressured into action.

We are a thorn in the side of the political establishment when we are on the streets exposing their hypocrisy and demanding full equality.

We shouldn’t wait for our rights. We shouldn’t have to wait on equality. Amidst this cost of living crisis that’s disproportionately impacting women, we need to urgently step up the building of a real alternative to the status quo.

International Women’s Day was born out of struggle with the demand for a society capable of providing bread and roses.

We don’t see the movement for women’s liberation as an struggle only for women – the rising of the women is the rising of the working class against inequality and injustice.

We encourage everyone who supports genuine equality to join the International Women’s Day march and rally this Saturday starting in Waterloo Place.”

Details below 👇
