People Before Profit South West Inner City Branch
Basin Street/Grand Canal Harbour development
Residents in the Basin Street area asked People Before Profit (PBP) to assist them in challenging the extensive development proposed for the Grand Canal Basin. The planning application did not make any provision for social housing or community gain, nor did it include any information on what residents could expect in relation to construction timing, traffic management or environmental impact. Residents in the area feel they were not adequately consulted with by the developers prior to submitting their application. In total six objections were lodged on behalf of resident associations in the area. Residents are now proposing that a working group be established with the support of PBP to prepare for the outcome of the planning process.
Bulfin Estate
A number of issues have arisen in relation to the Bulfin Estate:
Public lighting on the laneway that connects the Hybreasal complex to Suir Road is insufficient and local residents believe it places them at risk as a number of personal attacks have taken place recently. PBP have been asked to work with residents on Suir Road and the Council to address the issue of street lighting and public safety.
Children at Play signs are now available to communities free of charge. This marks a positive improvement from the charge of €300 per sign previously charged. PBP have been asked by the Bulfin Residents Association to liaise with the Council to ensure that signs are erected as necessary in the Bulfin Estate. We are currently liaising with Roads and Traffic Administration at Dublin City Council and the Bulfin Residents Assocation to identify suitable locations for the signs.
A meeting was held with a number of Bulfin Estate residents and the City Traffic Manager with a view to addressing issues of traffic congestion and the use of the estate as a rat run. PBP are currently following up with the City Traffic Manager in relation to the outcome of the traffic survey that was conducted recently.
St. James’ Hospital
There is a proposal to construct a four story private hospital in the grounds of James’ Hospital on the site of an historical church building. Application for planning permission was lodged a year ago with DCC, however 47 objections to the development were also lodged. PBP are in the process of contacting local groups who lodged objections. The development of more private hospitals in the South West Inner City needs to be challenged in the context of cutbacks in the provision of community care and the U-turn taken by Mary Hearney on the provision of primary care in our community.
In addition to the above, PBP are continuing to campaign locally on issues such as water charges, community sector cuts, traffic management issues and housing regeneration.
We are always looking for people to get involved with us to help build a broad movement of resistance – ordinary people are paying a very high price for a crisis that was caused by greed and mismanagement. If you want to get involved in any of our campaigns, please get in touch. It doesn’t matter if you only have ten minutes a month of your time to spare – leafletting your street makes a big difference!
Tina MacVeigh (Local Representative)
People Before Profit South West Inner City
086 871 5293