A woman has been jailed for two months for opening a tub of Pringle in Tesco. Meanwhile the real criminals who slander Maurice McCabe and bribe politicians walk free.
Judge Brian O’Shea jailed Kathleen McDonagh (25) at Cork District Court after hearing she opened the crisp container in a Tesco.
She had previously been barred from the shop but she opened the Pringles tub to ensure that she would still be treated as a customer.
‘ I opened it so you will have to leave me pay for it,” she explained.
The Irish state however could not contenence such defiance of authority and charged her with criminal damage to the Pringle’s tub
Judge O’Shea said the offence had to be viewed in context against what he termed the defendant’s “Smart Alec” behaviour towards security staff.
It was a blatant form of class justice. The same Judge O Shea will never have any problem in paying for Pringles because he claims huge expenses on top of his salary.
His last expenses claim amounted to a staggering €23,936.