The Government and their super-rich pals have caused a housing crisis. They have let landlords and vulture funds make huge profits while the rest of us suffer.
The Government and their super-rich pals have caused a health crisis. They’ve let private health companies make a profit from our health needs while under-investing in our health system.
The Government and their super-rich pals have caused a crisis in all our services. They have run them into the ground through a lack of funding while giving big tax breaks to the rich.
And this has all been going on for YEARS.
Migrants and refugees didn’t cause any of this. The people who are saying we should focus our anger on migrants are trying to distract us from the real problems. That’s what racism has always done – it gets the real villains off the hook.
We’re Stronger Together. An Ireland for all – with housing for all, healthcare for all, services for all – is possible.
But we need to take on the rich to get it. We need to take on this right-wing Government. And we need to reject division, reject racism, and stand united.
Join the march**: Saturday 18th February at 1.30pm, Parnell Square to the Custom House.**