Help People Before Profit’s Election Campaigns

People Before Profit are running candidates in all three European constituencies and almost fifty candidates throughout the country in the local elections.

We stand for real change. We say Evict Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael – we are the only party who categorically rule out making deals to prop them up on councils – and demand a Europe For People, Not For Profit.

But we do not have the same resources as the larger parties, we rely on our members and supporters to help.

Can you help out with our campaigns?

Any little bit you can do helps, from talking to your friends and family, distributing leaflets in your area, or helping us to canvass door-to-door.

If you can help out with any of our campaigns, local or European, in any way please leave your details here and we will be in touch.

Can you help fund our campaigns?

We do not receive the type of donations the bigger parties get from the businesses and wealthy interests they represent. Instead, we rely on small donations from members and supporters.

While we know times are hard for many with the ongoing cost of living crisis, we are asking our members and supporters to please, if at all possible, donate what they can to People Before Profit’s Election campaigns.

You can donate here.