Emergency Solidarity Rally: Save The Community Crisis Intervention Service

Emergency Solidarity Rally: Save The Community Crisis Intervention Service

People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said,

“The closure of the CCIS would be a tremendous blow to the city.

Derry cannot lose its suicide prevention centre. This is the established position of Derry and Strabane Council.

At tonight’s full meeting I and other Councillors will be calling for the Council to reiterate its demand for the Health Minister and the entire Stormont Executive to protect the CCIS and agree to long-term funding.

This is a cross-cutting issue and the responsibility to protect the service belongs to all the Executive parties.

A meeting of concerned residents, mental health advocates, Extern representatives, trade unionists, students, Councillors and others agreed to a plan of action to campaign for the service that includes an Emergency Solidarity Rally on Saturday May 29 at 2pm in Guildhall Square.

We urge everyone concerned about the impact on those dependent on the service, the workers who’ve been put on redundancy notice and on the message it sends to everyone in the city to support the campaign and to join the socially-distanced rally on Saturday.

We need to make sure Derry is heard in Stormont.”

Link for Solidarity Rally:
