Dáil Votes To Keep Israeli Ambassador


Saturday, November 18th 1pm Parnell Square Dublin 

Dáil Éireann has voted to keep the Israeli ambassador in Ireland. It does not represent what most people want.

Before our eyes Israel is committing genocide, murdering children, and destroying hospitals in a bid to drive the people of Gaza into the deserts of Sinai. The support given by the US and the EU to this barbarity exposes the real nature of a system that pretends to support human rights.

A few weeks ago, only 7 TDs voted to expel the Israeli ambassador, with all the main parties supporting Israel’s supposed right to ‘self-defence’. On Wednesday, 15th November that jumped to 55.

It was purely the result of mass public pressure.  People Before Profit welcomes the turn by Sinn Féin and others on the issue.

But we must now look forward. We need a strategy to escalate and overwhelm the political elite who claim to speak in our name but do nothing about Israeli war crimes.

· That starts with a big turnout on Saturday, November 18th for a national demonstration. Contact friends, workmates, neighbours and urge them to come out. Get onto your union and demand they are present. Assemble 1pm at Parnell Square, Dublin.

· Escalate to a major campaign of civil disobedience. Thursday 23rd November has been named as the first of many days of action. We should stage sit-ins, remove Israeli products from shops, and picket the offices of politicians who voted against expelling the Israeli ambassador. In the colleges demand the institutions who spoke out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine now speak out over Israeli war crimes. Push for the same type of workers action that Dunnes Stores workers did when they enforced a boycott on apartheid South Africa’s goods.

· Build a movement for a left government that drives FF and FG out of office. The same parties that voted to keep the Israeli ambassador are responsible for the housing crisis. They preside over a system where corporations drive up profits while workers’ pay is cut due to inflation. Ireland needs a left government that will stand up to the blackmail of the rich and privileged.

· Every left party should now rule out in advance any deal with parties who have shown their moral bankruptcy in this vote.