Cllr Matt Collins, ‘Jailing Of West Belfast Grandmother Is Disgraceful’

Cllr Matt Collins, ‘Jailing Of West Belfast Grandmother Is Disgraceful’

Speaking in light of this news that a 59-year-old West Belfast grandmother has been jailed for not paying her TV licence, PBP Cllr Matt Collins has spoken to the woman’s family and stated:

“I have been speaking to Anne’s family today, who are naturally very worried and stressed. It is disgraceful that a 59-year-old chronically ill woman has been jailed for not paying her TV licence. This is callous treatment of a vulnerable working class woman. No one was arrested for the £650 million RHI bill, but when an ordinary person struggles to make ends meet they are thrown in jail. One law for the rich, one law for the poor – it’s sickening and draconian. PBP are calling for Anne to be released immediately.”