People Before Profit Councillor Matt Collins has hit out at planned job losses by GLL in leisure centres across Belfast. Speaking in light of leaked documents from a meeting between GLL management and trade union officials which he received, Cllr Collins criticised the way in which Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) are attacking jobs and eroding worker’s terms and conditions across the city. Cllr Collins commented:
“Since Belfast City Council took the disastrous decision to privatise leisure facilities in Belfast, we have seen a litany of grievances emerge against GLL, from attacks on worker’s terms and conditions to shocking price hikes for service users. Now we hear that GLL are planning a round of job losses in the coming year, in another attempt to cut jobs and force future staff on to worse employment contracts.”
“In Andersonstown leisure centre, staff are being denied the opportunity to return to their jobs when the new building is opened. This is shameful treatment of workers by a company which is being subsidised with ratepayer’s money to the tune of millions.”
“The truth is that GLL are running our leisure centres into the ground, and those parties who enthusiastically supported the privatisation of leisure services have much to answer for. People Before Profit believe we need to fight tooth and nail against job losses and against this privatisation agenda. It is high time that our leisure services were taken back into full public control and given back to our communities.”