Brian O'Boyle


Brian O’Boyle lecturers at the Atlantic Technological University in Sligo where he lives with his partner and their children. He has co-authored a number of books, including Austerity Ireland (2013) and Tax Haven Ireland (2021). Brian has been a member of People Before Profit for nearly twenty years. In that time, he has served on its National Council and as National Organiser from 2016- 2019. A socialist since the Iraq war, Brian chaired Right2Water in Sligo, played an active role in Yes Equality and The Repeal Campaign and is currently part of the organising committee of the Sligo Palestine Solidarity Campaign.


“I am running to highlight the fact that the EU is a rich man’s club that currently presides over staggering levels of inequality. According to the most recent Oxfam report, the two richest people in Ireland own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the population. This completely undermines democracy and leads to insecurity for many people.


“The far right and many establishment politicians have used immigration to distract attention from the glaring inequality that has risen as the EU bails out banks and enriches the 1%. Instead of scapegoating vulnerable people I will use the campaign to shine a light on the elites’ decisions responsible for making life harder for Irish people and those fleeing war.



“I will also campaign with like-minded people for a Europe that puts people before profit. For a Europe that breaks with imperialism and refuses to stand by while the Israeli Defence Forces commit genocide in Gaza.”