Beware Of Candidates Hiding Their Anti-Choice Affiliations

Cavan Pro-Choice recently linked a local candidate, Kristofer Shekleton, to his heavy campaigning against the Repeal of the 8th Amendment in 2018.

Kristofer is a candidate in the upcoming local elections for Bailieborough-Cootehill. Kristofer has joined forces with Independent Ireland. Himself, his party, and party members have a well-documented history of anti-choice views. 

Despite his recent silence on the topic of termination of pregnancy services – which are yet to be introduced in Cavan General Hospital – Kristofer’s anti-choice legacy is undeniable.

We can assume he will not be pushing for abortion healthcare to be made available in Cavan.

When questioned by voters in his constituency about this, a legal threat was issued. Shekleton claimed instead to support democracy.

However, we must highlight that this will mean that he will feel fully entitled to vote in line with his personal beliefs and anti-abortion views.

Kristofer Shekleton wrote an open letter when he left Fianna Fáil. He said it was due to the party leader voting to Repeal the 8th amendment.

Shekleton is a candidate who remains fundamentally opposed to women’s reproductive rights.

It is the people’s right to know where he stands on the topic as he is putting himself forward to represent them.