Dublin Focus on Youth are calling on politicians and public officials to put a stop to these cuts. Please support the campaign & the protest on Wednesday. Read about: Campaign launched to save Shanganagh and Rathsallagh Youth Centre
The Current Situation
•Youth Projects serve the needs of the most at risk young people across our city.
•A total of 33,790 young people participated in CDYSB funded youth projects in Dublin in 2008
•It costs €20 million per year keep these projects funded.
•This works out at less than €12 per young person per week
•Youth Projects and Services help young people achieve their potential and are essential to creating and maintaining healthy communities.
What we are looking for
•An immediate reversal of the 2009 cuts to Youthwork funding
•Funding for Youthwork projects and services to be maintained at 2008 levels for 2010 in order to maintain all frontline services to the most at risk young people in Dublin
Youth Against Dole Cuts building for Wednesday’s protest to defend youth projects and services. from Paula Geraghty on Vimeo.