Rents could rise by an average of €140 a month in Dublin as a direct result of the government’s removal of the Covid-19 freeze.
When People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy pointed out that landlords will get around the 4 per cent rent freeze rule by claiming a two-year increase, Leo Varadkar said he knew nothing about it.
Varadkar’s ignorance shows how Fine Gael lives in a different universe.
Their candidate in the Dublin Bay South bye-election, James Geoghegan, pretends he is from a locked out generation. But he is a posh barrister who lives in a €750,000 prices house.
The only candidate that will fight for rent control that allows for rent cuts, is People Before Profit’s, Brigid Purcell.
Labour will posture while in opposition but then sell out. Their leader Alan Kelly is on record as saying while he was Environment Minister that ‘I am not convinced that a system of rent control is warranted or even desirable in view of the fragility and immaturity of the private rented sector’.
Make the rents rise an issue in Dublin Bay South- vote No 1 Brigid Purcell to cut the rents.