Yes Side Should Engage in Debate on Treaty Rather than Making Outlandish Claims About Job Creation

In a statement today the People Before Profit Alliance said that the clarification provided by the Referendum Commission that the treaty “contains no provisions” on jobs levels exposes as lies the thousands of posters put up by the Yes said claiming that the Lisbon Treaty will aid job creation and lead to economic recovery

Councillor Richard Boyd Barrett said “The Yes Campaign has refused to engage in a serious debate about the content of the Treaty. Instead they have made vague and generalised claims to the effect that Lisbon will lead to economic recovery. Today their claims have been exposed as lies.

We have said that the economic policies pursued by the EU have contributed to the economic crisis. We have no confidence in a Treaty that will not aid economic recovery.
The Irish government should have used the outcome of the last referendum to seek a new direction for Europe. Instead the same Treaty with the same failed economic policies is to be voted on again.
We call on the Yes said to engage in a serious debate on the content of the Treaty rather than making false claims which are aimed at scaring the Irish people.”


For more information contact: Eddie Conlon 087 6775468