Who Is Funding Irish Fascists?

Who Is Funding Irish Fascists?

Who gave the Irish Nazi party enough money to buy €400,000 worth of gold? The Gardaí are investigating whether or not there was a crime. But the key issue is: who is funding Irish Nazis and why?

The National Party has split and this is why we hear about their secret gold bars. The would-be Fuhrer, Justin Barrett, has publicly attacked his rivals accusing them of stealing the gold bars.

Despite registering as a political party the Irish Nazis have never made a proper return to SIPO. They have refused to send in audited accounts. They were hiding their gold reserves.

All over the world fascists are funded by the very wealthy. They use them as insurance against the rise of left-wing movements.

The strategy is simple – turn the anger of working-class people onto migrants, gays, trans people. That way they won’t really blame the political elite for the housing crisis or the huge waits for hospital beds.

The fascists pretend to champion working-class interests and even use fake left-wing rhetoric sometimes.

But the revelations about Nazi gold shows that they are being funded by wealthy individuals.

We need to find out who they are.