People Before Profit Waterford asks Waterford Council to provide access to Eco Park from Kilbarry
Úna Dunphy of Waterford People Before Profit has called on the Waterford City and County Council to open an access point to Waterford’s Eco Park from the Kilbarry/Ballybeg side of the Park.
Ms Dunphy said that a number of residents from the estates in the Kilbarry area have contacted People Before Profit suggesting that an access point to the Park be opened which would allow them to use the facility, especially during the period of limited mobility from their homes, due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid19 lockdown.
“It would make perfect sense”, says Ms Dunphy, “and it would allow residents to take exercise within government guidelines, in a safe environment, practicing social distancing, in a setting that allows people to have access to fresh air and nature in these extraordinary and stressful times.
There is an access area already available via the civic amenity facility close to the Ballybeg fire station, which would only require the rear gates at this facility, abutting the park, to be opened, so the Eco Park could be accessed during the normal opening hours”.
During the 1970s, the Save the Kilbarry Bogs Action Group proposed a plan for saving the bogs, suggesting that they be used as an area of scientific importance alongside the protection of wildlife habitats, incorporating the Kilbarry landfill as an Eco Park. This would also be a hugely and much appreciated leisure facility and asset for the benefit of citizens in the large number of housing estates surrounding the site as well as for everyone living in Waterford.
By agreeing to open an additional access point to the Eco Park, the Councillors can make a worthwhile and lasting contribution to the welfare of our community at this difficult time.