Twenty Years Ago Biden Backed The Iraq War

Twenty Years Ago Biden Backed The Iraq War

Twenty years ago today, US and allied ground troops invaded Iraq. What happened on March 20, 2003 wasn’t a “mistake.” It was a calculated, premeditated crime perpetrated on a massive scale.

Since the invasion between 550,000 and 580,000 people have died in Iraq. Countless more became refugees or ended up internally displaced.

When the war was debated and then authorized by the US Congress in 2002, Democrats controlled the Senate and Joe Biden was chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Biden himself had enormous influence as chair and argued strongly in favour of the 2002 resolution granting President Bush the authority to invade Iraq. “I do not believe this is a rush to war,” Biden said a few days before the vote. “I believe it is a march to peace and security.”

The Iraq war was justified by claims that Saddam Hussein had ‘weapons of mass destruction’. The same type of lie was used by Putin when he claimed that he invaded Ukraine to ‘denazify’ the country.

Big lies are told by every war criminal – and we usually only find out the truth afterwards. But there is no excuse for thinking Biden is a peacemaker or a defender of freedom.

If Putin is a war criminal – then so too are the US elite who ordered the invasion of Iraq.