Public zoom meeting hosted by Co Wexford PBP
Guest speakers:
Memet Uludag UAR
Cllr Adrienne Wallace Carlow PBP
Chair Deirdre Wadding PBP Wexford
Tuesday 29th September
at 7.30pm
Over the last 6 months and the advent of COVID19, the far right has been emboldened and strengthened owing in part to the confusion caused by conflicting advice and information given by a government bent on economic interests taking precedence over public health and determined to place responsibility on individuals as opposed to employers and themselves. The far right is infiltrating social media groups and campaigns , spreading disinformation and half truths and outright conspiracy theories doing their level best to sow division and spread mistrust under the guise of protecting’ freedoms’.
Some of the names are familiar to us , Gemma O Doherty, John Waters , Rowan Croft , Hermann Kelly, Justin Barrett, Craig McLaughlin etc …they espouse white supremacy , fundamentalist Catholicism and the Trump agenda..yet refer to themselves as patriots.
Amid all the confusion they have hooked into the holistic/alternative community in particular and drawn in many decent people with a range of concerns.
Groups like QAnon are driving this agenda and last Saturday a group of masked far right thugs assaulted a LGBTQI campaigner in Dublin with a length of plank wrapped in the tricolour causing a head injury .
This meeting will explore and attempt to unmask the forces behind Ireland’s far right with guest speakers Memet Uludag UAR and Cllr Adrienne Wallace Carlow PbP followed by a Q and A
Registration has now been closed. Links will be sent to all who registered. Many thanks.