The Tánaiste Under Criminal Investigation

The Tánaiste Under Criminal Investigation

Leo Varadkar is under criminal investigation, but incredibly, he is remaining in his position as Tánaiste!

In what other scenario would someone under criminal investigation for abuse of their position, be allowed to remain in that position while the criminal investigation was taking place?

In any other situation, the person would have to step down while the investigation was ongoing, and would be able to resume their role only in the event that they were cleared of breaking the law.

What we know so far is that Department of Health officials have clarified to Gardaí that the document Varadkar leaked was highly sensitive, so sensitive that even the Health Minister Simon Harris couldn’t get his hands on a copy of it.

But Varadkar had access to it, and used his powers to send the confidential document to his friend.He has not been arrested, or forced to step down as Tánaiste.

Contrast that to the arrest of socialist TD Paul Murphy, when the police came banging on his door in the early hours of the morning, for the Jobstown protest back during the water charges movement.

Varadkar is getting special treatment.

He should get the same treatment as any other citizen of the state. Suspend him now