Workers Rights People Before Profit Welcomes Recommendation To Shorten Public Servants Working Week Calls on public servants to lodge pay claims due to rising cost of living and inflation People Before Profit TD, and spokesperson on employment, Paul Murphy TD, has welcomed a 11 Jan 2022
Austerity Why The Dublin Bus Dispute Is A Just Transition Issue In late July, over 100 Dublin Bus drivers gathered outside the Dail to speak with PBP TD Richard Boyd Barrett, and to vent their alarm at new proposals jointly agreed 9 Aug 2021
Health Government Attempts To Sneak In New Jobbridge Scheme Will Face Major Opposition People Before Profit TD and spokesperson on Social Protection, Paul Murphy, has said that there will be substantial opposition to any attempt by the government to bring in a new 1 Jun 2021
Austerity DCSDC Workers Rights And Social Justice Week Of Action 2021 “The working-class is the majority community. Workers unity is the antidote to sectarian division and austerity. United working class struggle is the key to social justice and equality.” Derry and 26 Apr 2021
Workers Rights Maeve O’neill Selected To Replace Eamonn Mccann As People Before Profit Cllr For The Moor People Before Profit is delighted to announce that Maeve O’Neill will replace Eamonn McCann as our councillor in the Moor District Electoral Area. Maeve will be known to many 13 Mar 2021
Health Reject Stormont’s Hardship Budget As the Stormont Executive pushed through its Budget proposals today, People Before Profit MLA Gerry stated his parties opposition to these proposals and called for a new and radical economic 2 Mar 2021
Transport Briefing On Ceta What is CETA? Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. It is the trade agreement negotiated between Canada and the EU. Most of it, 97%, relates to tariff free trade between the 2 Feb 2021
Austerity People Before Profit MLA Reiterates Call For A Border Poll In Wake Of Brexit Trade Deal Speaking as the Stormont Assembly debated the Boris Johnson Brexit Trade Deal, People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll has said he opposed the deal and reiterated his party’s call 30 Dec 2020
Austerity Bank Of Ireland Increase Of Customer Charges Bank of Ireland increase of customer charges a further slap in the face as rip off culture rears its head again Minister for Finance must intervene to stop these charges 31 Aug 2020