Support For Eason’s Workers Crucial

People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said,
“All Eason’s workers are encouraged to attend the meeting with the Mayor organised in collaboration with the Derry Trades Union Council and UNITE this Thursday in the Guildhall at 10am.
Everything possible must be done to support workers facing redundancy. We have every right to demand that Eason’s workers are treated with respect and dignity. 
Eason’s and other companies who have received massive amounts of state funding need to be held accountable for their treatment of workers and the impact their narrow decision making has on the economy of Derry and the north west.
Eason’s decided to walk away from Derry without an engagement with workers, unions, the Council and government agencies on how to protect jobs. Everything possible must be done to protect jobs and communuties. Everything possible must be done to ensure workers rights are protected and not trampled upon.
Debenhams workers in the south have organised a solidarity campaign to defend their rights. We should back the actions of all workers facing similar situations here. Amid the economic repercussions of the pandemic collective action is the key way to protect rights and gain respect. We should not accept that ordinary people will be collateral damage.”