Step Up The Fight For LGBTQ Equality In The North

Decades of campaigning and protest by the LGBTQ community and their allies has won important rights and made great progress in tackling homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. The success of 25 years of Pride in Derry, and in many other places is a tribute to the relentless and fearless work of campaigners.

But basic rights are still denied here in the North.

Despite the fact that a majority of people support the demand for Marriage Equality – the DUP have blocked legislation. The veto on equality must end. The DUP claim to support a ‘shared’ society but their homophobia speaks otherwise.

To win Equal Marriage we need to stay on the streets to make sure the demand for equality is heard loud and clear.

But marriage is only one of the many inequalities facing the LGBTQ community. We need to be on the streets demanding full gender recognition and access to health care for our trans and non binary community, LGBTQ inclusive education and access to informed sexual health care, equality in adoption and familial rights, as well as continue to campaign to stamp out all forms of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in all of society!

People power is the key to winning change – as it was from the Stonewall Riot to the equality referendum in the South. 

Join People Before Profit at the Foyle Pride Parade, Saturday 25 August, 2pm at the Waterside Train Station.