Statement On Paul Givan’s Resignation Threat

Statement On Paul Givan’s Resignation Threat

The threatened resignation of Paul Givan as First Minister is nothing more than a bid to save DUP seats in the upcoming election. It is transparent, desperate, and divisive.

Poll after poll shows that the DUP are set to get the electoral whooping they deserve, leaving them forced to resort to divisive stunts to polarise politics once again.

Whether it is the resignation of Givan, halting sea border checks, or blustering about who will be the next First Minister, the intention is the same: stir up tensions enough to draw focus from the crisis in the DUP and the abject failure of Stormont to deliver for ordinary people.

If successful, it would shore up the bases of the same leaders of unionism and nationalism who have failed our communities for decades.

While this stunt might appease a small section of loyalism which has been baying for such action, it is clear that the majority of people have no truck with it. Indeed, most people do not support the DUP position on the protocol at all.

If Givan walks today, the Secretary of State should call a snap election. People deserve a say not only on these latest shenanigans, but on the disastrous handling of the pandemic and the spiralling cost of living which the Executive has failed to protect us from.

There is no justification at all for Ministers being allowed to stay in high paying, cushy jobs while delivering little because the DUP wanted divisive headlines. But ultimately, we’re appealing to workers, trade unions, and communities: now is the time for action. Stormont dysfunctionality is failing us. It is time to hold them to account and demand something better.