The decision to seal the files of the Mother and Baby homes drags us backwards into a time where we hid unsavoury and unlawful actions, and failed to hold anyone to account. The rushed fashion of the Green Party Bill, which disallowed any questions or amendments, is being thoroughly rejected by the public for its failure to reflect their views. More than 50,000 have already signed the petition to have this bill repealed.
Waterford PBP spokeperson Úna Dunphy says, “Here we have a Green Party that hoodwinked the electorate with a supposed left agenda, promoting and passing an offensive, rushed Bill which seals testimonies, and other incriminating evidence for 30 years. It’s beyond shocking, with the painful journey that has been forced upon victims and survivors, who the public will now support ahead of any Government who treat them with such contempt.”
Local Green Party TD, Marc Ó Cathasaigh, stating that the Government had to act to protect the information, just throws petrol on the fire started in the Dáil, with a bill rushed through without the usual democratic scrutiny of questions and amendments. Claiming that this was an issue of communications error, completely underestimates both the legal implications, highlighted by many national experts in the field, and the public outcry.
Úna continues, “That this came from the Green Party is doubly disappointing. While I had highlighted the party as neoliberals on bikes, they got elected on a pretentious left leaning platform. Marc himself got over the line on left transfers from the Waterford electorate, but has completely capitulated to the politics of the establishment. Having the integrity to represent those who elected you involves taking unpopular stances, having the courage of your convictions means stepping out from the crowd and calling halt when you disagree fundamentally with a vote. This is not what happened with any of the Green Party TDs.”
A socially distanced vigil takes place in Waterford on Sunday at 6pm outside the Good Shepherd, College Street.