Residential Development At Bulloch Harbour Ruled Out In Dún Laoghaire Development Plan

Residential Development At Bulloch Harbour Ruled Out In Dún Laoghaire Development Plan

In a statement this morning, Dún Laoghaire councillor Melisa Halpin (PBP), announced that at a meeting of the Council last night, an amendment to zoning to rule out residential development at Bulloch Harbour was passed unanimously.

Councillor Halpin proposed the amendment to the W zoning in the plan to ensure residential development would not be allowed in Bulloch Harbour.

Bulloch Harbour is a small working harbour and is an amenity enjoyed by the public all year round.  Bartra Capital, acquired the site a number of years ago and applied for planning permission for luxury homes in 2016, which was refused, and they applied again in 2017.  A local campaign group, Bulloch Harbour Preservation Association, successfully challenged An Bord Pleanala’s decision to allow the development of 5 luxury villas right on the edge of the sea.

While the High Court challenge was successful, residents and harbour users remain extremely concerned that Bartra will still attempt to develop this highly sensitive site.

Cllr Melisa Halpin said: “I was delighted to propose the motion last night that sees the W zoning for Bulloch Harbour changed to ensure there is no residential development in this historical harbour that is widely used by the public for fishing, swimming, boating and many other maritime activities.  Residents, harbour users and many different campaign groups including Bulloch Harbour Preservation Association and Save Our Seafront have been working to protect this harbour since Bartra acquired the land in 2016.  The change to the zoning for this harbour is a major victory.”

Richard Boyd Barrett TD, chairperson of Save Our Seafront, said: Bulloch Harbour is a unique amenity and heritage harbour.  For generations the harbour has provided access for the public to water sports and marine activities.  Allowing residential development of this harbour would effectively privatise this unique amenity and do irrevocable damage to a vital piece of our heritage.  It is a great victory for people power and the local community that councillor Melisa Halpin’s motion to prohibit residential development of the sort Bartra attempted to put into the harbour has passed.”