Removal of Housing Executive Intimidation Points will put lives at risk

Removal of Housing Executive Intimidation Points will put lives at risk

'The blanket removal of intimidation points will put people’s lives at risk,' Gerry Carroll said, following the Communities Minister’s announcement this morning.

The purpose of intimidation points is to prioritise the re-housing of people affected by violence or the fear of violence, in recognition of their trauma and urgent need to live in peace and safety.

There is no doubt that there are significant issues with how intimidation points work in practice, including the fact that victims of domestic abuse are not entitled to them. The solution to these problems is to extend eligibility to all victims of intimidation, including those impacted by domestic abuse. But instead, the Minister has decided to ‘level the playing field’ by taking intimidation points away from everyone.

As a direct result of the Communities Minister’s decision, people who have been intimidated or subject to sectarian, racist or homophobic attacks will lose out on the points they need to be allocated a new, permanent home in a place of safety. They will be forced to stay in a home where they are subject to violence and intimidation, or else uproot their life and move into temporary accommodation away from their family and community.

Carroll said, 'This decision will have devastating impacts on individuals and marginalised groups, a temporary accommodation sector under extreme pressure and the wider housing system.'