A summary of our policy's main points are here. Download the entire document below.
• Oppose Racism in all its forms.
• Oppose the policy of Fortress Europe – welcome those fleeing war and persecution
• Legislate to end the Direct Provision System
• Oppose deportations – treat refugees and asylum seekers with dignity and respect
• Integrate Migrants – Give them Voting Rights
• Oppose Islamophobia. Support the right of Muslim people, along with all other religions, to practice their religious beliefs
• Oppose state racism against Travellers. Establish an Independent National Housing Agency to oversee the delivery of safe and culturally appropriate Traveller Accommodation
• No Platform for Fascists – oppose them on the streets if necessary
• Oppose Israel as an apartheid state. Support the Ban Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel
Racism and Immigration Policy
Racism became a major force in the modern world as a justification for slavery and empire. Later, it was used by the rulers of capitalism to divide and conquer, setting ordinary people against each other. Racism is based on a reactionary myth. We fight to build solidarity and power for workers.