The People Before Profit Alliance will hold a press conference on Wednesday 2nd May to launch its campaign against the Fiscal Treaty.
The Press Conference will take place in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth St. at 11.30am.
Speakers will include Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Joan Collins TD, Cllr. Brid Smith and Ailbhe Smith (Chairperson People Before profit)
At tomorrow’s press conference People Before Profit Alliance will outline the main planks of its opposition to the Fiscal Treaty and challenge the arguments being put forward by the Government and others on the Yes side.
In particular PBPA will counter a number of myths being promoted by supporters of the treaty on issues such as future funding for the state, the costs to the state of joining ESM and the economic consequences of adhering to the treaty’s debt and deficit requirements.
PBPA will outline its plan for a vigorous grassroots campaign across the country linking up with communities and movements opposing the wider agenda of cuts and austerity.