People Before Profit Launch New Pamphlet On Patent Free Vaccines

We all want the Covid-19 pandemic to end. But the Delta variant could lead to a fourth wave. And there could be more variants after that.

The virus is mutating because people in poor countries are not being vaccinated. It will take until 2024 for everyone on the planet to be vaccinated.

Until then we are all in danger. Nobody is safe until everybody is safe.

But there is a solution.

We have to make pharmaceutical companies waive their patents and share their knowledge and technology. Public health must come before profit.

However, there are obstacles. The EU is defending Big Pharma. The Irish government talks about ‘global solidarity’ but behind the scenes, it backs them up.

We need a big movement of people power to bring change.  We must force the pharmaceutical industry to put lives ahead of profits.  

They got billions of public money to develop vaccines for Covid but insisted on secret contracts with the government that indemnified them against side effects.

If they won’t act humanely, we have to take them into public ownership to increase supply.

People Before Profit have produced a great new pamphlet on vaccines ad Big Pharma, written by research scientists. You can download a copy for free from the link below, or order a hard copy from [email protected] for €3.