People Before Profit Launch European Election Candidates: For A Europe That Is Opposed To War And Racism And Which Puts People Before Profit

People Before Profit have launched our European Election candidates.

Bríd Smith TD is the party’s candidate for the Dublin seat, Cian Prendiville will contest the Ireland South seat, and Dr Brian O’Boyle will contest the Ireland Midlands North-West seat. 

Speaking at the launch Bríd Smith TD, the People Before Profit candidate for Dublin, said: “The reason that I have decided to contest this seat in the upcoming European Elections is that I want a Europe that puts people before profit. I feel it is crucial for the left to have a strong voice in these elections to take on the lies of the far right who are looking to scapegoat migrants and pit communities against them. The far right is on the rise across Europe, and we need strong voices from the left opposing their hateful views.

Cian Prendiville, the People Before Profit candidate for Ireland South, said: “I have been shocked by the response of the EU to the brutal Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the consistent flouting of International law and feel like I have to do something to push back.

“I want to go to the European Parliament to shine a light on the EUs role in propping up Israel’s war machine while it mercilessly bombs and ethnically cleanses the people of Gaza. I will use this position to hold the European Union and Israel to account for this barbaric treatment of the people of Palestine.”

Dr Brian O’Boyle, the People Before Profit candidate for Ireland Midland North-West, said: “I am running to highlight the fact that the EU is a rich man’s club that currently presides over staggering levels of inequality. According to the most recent Oxfam report, the two richest people in Ireland own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the population. This completely undermines democracy and leads to insecurity for many people.

“The far right and many establishment politicians have used immigration to distract attention from the glaring inequality that has risen as the EU bails out banks and enriches the 1%. Instead of scapegoating vulnerable people I will use the campaign to shine a light on the elites’ decisions responsible for making life harder for Irish people and those fleeing war.

“I will also campaign with like-minded people for a Europe that puts people before profit. For a Europe that breaks with imperialism and refuses to stand by while the Israeli Defence Forces commit genocide in Gaza.”