There has been much public interest of late regarding People Before Profit Dundalk’s intentions in the up coming election. The following is a statement outlining our intentions and highlighting the reasons for our decision.
People Before Profit Dundalk will not be running a candidate in the coming election (as an individual group or part of the United Left Alliance). We have made this decision for a number of reasons after intense debate at our public meetings. There were a number of key issues relating to an election campaign that convinced attendees at the meeting to vote against standing a candidate.
Firstly, it was acknowledged at the meeting that present democratic structures have failed the people of Dundalk and Ireland. Elections seem to be popularity contests with voters not truly understanding the issues that affect them on both a local and national level. Thus far People Before Profit Dundalk have made efforts to educate the local community on these issues, letting the people know that there are alternatives to the greed, corruption and incompetence that has tainted Irish politics since at least the nineteen sixties. People Before Profit intend to continue and intensify this work over the next year, educating people so that when they vote in future elections it will be informed and based on reason, ethics and the interest of the community. We are planning film nights and have established a local independent film production unit for this purpose. Having informed the public, giving them the information they need to vote in a mature manner, we will consider running candidates in future elections.
Secondly, People Before Profit Dundalk has successfully campaigned on a number of local issues outside of the political arena. By staying out of the political circus we have proven that to make real change one does not have to taint oneself with the corrupt and ineffective trappings of present political practices. It was agreed at the meeting that at the moment our group should continue our activities, creating change where necessary through protest when all other avenues fail. We believe that entering politics through elections in the present political climate would only tie our hands forcing us to enter into behind closed doors meetings and limiting us through political proceedings designed to slow down change processes to a snails crawl. By focussing on empowering communities to represent themselves in every form possible and by acting as a moral compass, scrutinising local and national political acts from outside of the political arena, we believe that we can nurture positive and much needed change.
Finally, People Before Profit Dundalk intend to form a broad coalition of community activists, service users and individuals who will stand up and fight for the values of equality, transparency, informed democracy and shared prosperity. This will take much effort and as such meeting attendees agreed to stay out of the up coming elections which many saw as a diversion to our true mission of community empowerment and education.
As already stated, People Before Profit Dundalk have a lot to do over the coming year and are grateful to those involved so far. We ask that other concerned citizens become involved in creating a society and community of shared beliefs and values. We would like also to thank all the members of the public who have encouraged us to stand a candidate and hope that our decision is not a disappointment. There is a long battle ahead of us if we are to create meaningful and long lasting change, our patient determination will reap rewards that will outlast such disappointment.
In solidarity, regards,
Attendees at public meeting, 26th January 2011