The gun attack on Raymond Coyle at his work place on Wednesday is a heinous crime that can have no justification what so ever. Vigilante attacks serve no purpose and those who carry them out do not have the backing of the community they claim to represent.
People Before Profit demand that the organisation responsible for shooting Mr.Coyle admits responsibility for their actions and gives their reasons for this attack. We ask who are these people who claim to defend us? Under who’s authority do they attack and how do they believe these attacks benefit anyone within the community? We demand that all paramilitary organisations lift any existing threats against those they perceive to be guilty of crimes relating to drugs or any other ‘anti social behaviour.’
Derry has some of the poorest working class communities in these Islands. In the poorest communities there are definite problems with alcohol and other substance abuse. The social alienation and stigma of poverty, unemployment and poor housing contribute greatly to misuse of drugs and alcohol. People Before Profit believe that the vigilantes who carry out punishment attacks only bring more stigma and fear to the poorest communities. These groups who claim a mandate from the people, offer nothing constructive in tackling the poverty and helplessness that many working class people feel.
This is why People Before Profit are proud to support Friday’s demonstration against so called ‘punishment,’ attacks. We want to play a part in giving people confidence to say clearly to the paramilitary groups that their actions are, ‘ Not in Our Name.’ We want to send a clear message that these attacks have to stop now.
For more info contact Davy on 07521527208