People Before Profit Alliance Launches Campaign for a NO VOTE to the Lisbon Treaty

Europe Has Changed but the Treaty Hasn’t
Since the last referendum Europe has experience an unprecedented economic crisis. While worker and the poor are being hit with unemployment and cuts in services the Irish government, with the support of the EU, is preparing to give a massive handout to Irish banks.

The policies copperfastened in the Lisbon Treaty have contributed directly to the economic crisis. Lisbon will enshrine neo-liberal policies of unfettered competition and deregulation in EU law. We must reject these policies by rejecting the Treaty.

People Before Profit will be launching a vigorous campaign against a treaty that the Irish people have already rejected. Nothing has changed in the Treaty.

The People Before Profit Alliance will launch its campaign for a NO VOTE to the Lisbon Treaty on Monday September 7 at 11.00am in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

Speakers will include:

Cllr Richard Boyd Barrett, Cllr Joan Collins and Cllr Brid Smith and PBP Steering Committee members Ailbhe Smith and Eddie Conlon.

The press conference will be followed by a street canvass in Grafton Street at 12.30.

For more information contact Eddie Conlon 087 6775468