Press Release – October 5th

In a statement, Cllr Richard Boyd Barrett, chairperson of the Save our Seafront group (SOS) has expressed relief that Dun Laoghaire –Rathdown Co. Council has finally put proposals for the redevelopment of Dun Laoghaire Baths before Councillors.

The proposals were put before Councillors at a briefing meeting in the Council offices earlier this week (Oct 4th) , and included drawings and a minature model.

The unveiling of the proposals follows protests organised by SOS over recent weeks at the failure of the Council to progress the redeveopment of the baths.

The new proposals envisage a fully public amenity with a swimming pool, cafe, public viewing area and a walkway around the Baths joining Newtownsmith and the East pier. The proposals put also retain the existing  main baths pavillion and do not reach over the existing height of the baths building.

Cllr Boyd Barrett said that the new plans represent a 180 – degree turn from previous schemes to build high-rise apartment blocks or reconstruct the entire seafront, and as such were a victory for the public and the Save Our Seafront campaign.

There are some areas for concern in the proposals – particularly in terms of the envisaged breakwater around the baths that will extend to the east pier and planned changes to the rear entrance to the People’s Park.

Cllr Boyd Barrett said, however, that the key was now to allow the public to have their say on the new proposals and that those public views should inform the final plan before work on the baths begins.

The proposals are due to go on public display in the next few weeks.

Cllr Boyd Barrett, chairperson of the Save Our Seafront group said:

“At  long last the Council has put forward a plan that looks something like what the public asked for. This is a long overdue victory for the public and for the protests we organised against misguided plans for high-rise apartments and privatisation. The public demand for a swimming pool, other swimming amenities and for the retention of the existing baths building have been met.

That it very positive- it represents a 180 degree u-turn on the previous attempt to put high-rise private development on the site.There are a few issues of concern, particularly the proposed break-water and the degree of sea-infill. I am also concerned about the proposed phasing of the development and worry that the swimming pool element might be long fingered. Nonetheless, the new proposal represents a vast improvement on the crazy plans put forward in the past.  The key thing is that the public must have their say on these proposals and that the public consultation genuinely informs the final plan. Once we have proper public consultation, we then need to move on as quickly as possible to identify the money and set out a time-table for the commencement of works. We don’t want to be waiting another ten years before we finally get our baths restored and re-opened as an amenity for the people.”

For more info/confirmation contact Richard Boyd Barrett 086-7814520