May Day- Workers’ Rights & Stories

At 7 pm People Before Profit will host an hour of story and songs for workers.

The event will be on Facebook Live and YouTube, as well as on this webpage, with a mix of workers and musicians some recorded and some live.

This year we will look back at the organising campaigns happening this year as well as the strikes and disputes People Before Profit have been supporting over the Covid Pandemic.

The enormous struggle by the Debenhams Workers holding pickets at the loading bays of 11 shops across the country is a reminder of the depth and scale of the workers’ movement we can support together.

We are seeing enormous fights from retail, education, and healthcare staff in the Year of the Essential Frontline Worker: the ‘10% or 2k’ demands in the North, education workers’ ballots and industrial actions and first time organising. We’ll hear from retail and hospitality workers who continue to organise and educate despite the uncertainty around their jobs. We’ll of course hear about the redundancy fights large and small.

We’ll have music and stories of workers fighting, organising and winning in workplaces across Ireland with workers telling their own stories in their words and hearing how supporters and workers like ourselves are building power in our workplaces and our unions.

See you on Saturday at 7 pm, May 1st, International Workers’ Day.

FaceBook Link:

YouTube Link: