Issue Of Vaginal Mesh

Issue Of Vaginal Mesh

Brid Smith TD raises issue of Vaginal Mesh in the Dáil

Following the decision of the NHS in the UK to pause the use of transvaginal mesh Bríd Smith today raised its continued use in Ireland at Promised Legislation in the Dáil.

The use of transvaginal mesh has been an issue in many countries including the US, Australia and the UK.

Commenting on the many women in Ireland who continue to experience severe pain and discomfort as a result of having vaginal mesh inserted Bríd Smith said:

“I have been contacted by many women who are experiencing dire pain and discomfort after having vaginal mesh inserted. Some have been experiencing pain for up to 18 years. This is a major international scandal and I have called for an immediate pause on the use of vaginal mesh in Ireland.

“The Tánaiste has committed to speak to the Minister for Health about the issue and I hope he will do so. I have also written to Minister for Health Simon Harris asking him to order a pause on the use of transvaginal mesh in Ireland and provide facilities to carry out translabial scans in Ireland.”

“The decision of the NHS to pause the use of vaginal mesh has moved things on for this issue in Ireland.”


Contact- Bríd Smith TD- 087 909 0166

Nick Lee (Press Officer)- 087 615 6473