Harkin: Pps Decision Not To Prosecute Soldiers For Perjury A Travesty Of Justice

Derry People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said, 

“The Public Prosecution Service decision not prosecute British soldiers for perjury is a further travesty of justice for the victims of Bloody Sunday, their families and all who have campaigned for the truth. 

The Bloody Sunday Inquiry clearly established that members of the parachute regiment ‘knowingly’ lied by providing false evidence about their actions. 

Disgracefully, not a single soldier will be prosecuted for the lies they told. 

The British government is determined to make sure those who pulled the triggers and those in the military and political establishment who gave the orders to kill on Bloody Sunday never face prosecution and are never held accountable. 

The PPS is guilty of aiding and abetting the attempt to deny justice and protect state killers. 

The British state seeks protection for it murderous actions in the past in order to avoid accountability for its complicity in the Gaza genocide and beyond. 

People Before Profit stand with the Bloody Sunday families and all those who have relentlessly challenged the British government’s shameful cover-up. 

The reactionary Legacy legislation rammed through Westminster to protect British state killers and the architects of injustice will never be accepted and should be scrapped.”