Gerry Carroll has been selected by People Before Profit to contest the Westminster election in West Belfast.
Mr Carroll stated:
“I’m delighted to have been selected to stand in West Belfast, and look forward to getting stuck into the campaign, and engaging with people on the doors. We have a historic opportunity to strike a blow against the Tories in the Westminster election. People Before Profit is keen to play its role in this.”
“Theresa May thinks she can use this election to strengthen the Tories hand, and shape Brexit in the interests of the British elites. But a deep anger is growing against the political establishment. If I am elected, I will vote against Theresa May’s plan for a Tory Brexit. I am as opposed to Theresa May’s plan for Brexit as I was her plan for a strengthened British state within the EU. I serve neither London nor Brussels, but instead the kind of Socialist Ireland that James Connolly stood for.”
“We will use any position afforded to us to ensure the North is treated as a special case in any Brexit deal, and that people here have a veto on anything the elites in London and Brussel’s work out. We will resist any hard border, and oppose any combined attempt by the Tories and Stormont to cut tax on corporations.’’
“The British state is in crisis. The Stormont establishment offers no alternative. People Before Profit want to see an all-Ireland upheaval against austerity and inequality, and a movement based on people power that can uplift this community and others. We cannot do that while tied to the establishment.”
“I will be a voice for West Belfast, and will highlight how our community continues to be failed by Stormont and the Tories. I will be a voice for workers and for radical labour reform to allow unions to organise. I will be a voice for equality for women, the LGBT community, refugees and others, and I will cut no deal with bigots, sectarians or right wingers. I will be a voice against state repression, and will oppose any moves to give immunity to state forces for their crimes during the conflict. And I will be a voice for a new Ireland, a socialist Ireland, that moves beyond the two failed states on this Island.’’