Haitham Mohamedain is a hero of the resistance to the brutal Al-Sisi dictatorship in Egypt and he was arrested on Friday 19 May.
He is a labour and human rights lawyer who has worked tirelessly to support trade unionists facing state persecution. And as Amnesty International notes ‘ he has been persecuted by the Egyptian authorities for his human rights work’ playing a crucial role in defending the El Nadeem Centre, which supports victims of torture and violence..
We know from long experience that when they come for the lawyers we are all in trouble.
The charge he faces at present is a ridiculous sounding one of ‘incitement to protest about the price of Metro tickets’ but we know from the case of Ibrahim Halawa and many others the vicious, brutal and dangerous nature of the Egyptian prison and ‘justice’ system, Haitham is in real danger. Moreover this is a blow to the whole labour and democratic movement.
Please take the time to sign this petition. As you will see initial signatories include Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Brid Smith TD, Gino Kenny TD, Gerry Carroll MLA and Eamonn McCann.