Ethics No Obstacle To Junior Minister Position

Ethics No Obstacle To Junior Minister Position

Junior Ministers will be paid an additional €45,846 on top of their TD salaries of €113,679.  Forget about ‘super-juniors’, these are super salaries.

Fianna Fáil are back to their old tricks. No matter what you did, you just make an excuse and it does not affect your political career.

Here are some of the government's new junior ministers
• Robert Troy (above) ‘forgot’ to register properties he was renting out and lobbied for a tax cut for landlords. SIPO said he was in breach of the ethics legislation. But no matter, he gets an extra €45,846.
• Timmy Dooley’s colleague, Niall Collins voted for him six times in the Dáil when he was not present. No bother, Timmy will get his €45,846 bonus.
• Dara Calleary attended the notorious Golfgate event when the rest of us were locked in due to COVID-19. Not a problem and as a senior minister, he gets a bonus of €92,938 on top of his TD salary.
• Jerry Buttimer was also at Golfgate, but it's not an obstacle to his bonus of €45,846.
And then there are the ‘independents’ – bought and paid for, chief among them convicted criminal, Michael Lowry. Excuses made, all forgiven, welcome back.