Dunmurray Manor Investigation Should Be A “Line In The Sand” Moment Says Gerry Carroll MLA

Dunmurray Manor Investigation Should Be A “Line In The Sand” Moment Says Gerry Carroll MLA

Following the publication of a the report by the Commissioner for Older People into the state of affairs at Dunmurry Manor care home, Gerry Carroll MLA stated that this should be a line in the sand moment for how our care system is run.

Speaking after the publication, Gerry said, ‘Vulnerable adults were subjected to ill treatment such as sexual assault and even starvation while resident at the privately owned Dunmurry Manor Care Home. This treatment should never have been allowed to go on and measures should be taken immediately to bring this home under public management by the Health and Social Care Trust.’

‘A most disturbing aspect of all of this is that the owner of Runwood Homes who earned a £7 million bonus last year. Rather than pumping millions into private care homes which are run for profit like this, the Trust should focus on developing publicly owned care homes.’

‘I want to pay tribute to the families of loved ones who have highlighted the horrible treatment that took place in the Dunmurry Care Home. It was they alongside the staff who whistleblew that brought this to public attention.’