In a disgraceful move, the government has accepted an amendment from the Regional Independents who have become the mouthpiece for landlords.
One of its spokespersons, Sean Canney rents out six properties and wants more sweeteners for landlords.
The amendment includes:
· A tax relief scheme for small landlords to take effect in the current year.
· A scheme whereby the state pays the landlord when a tenant fails to pay their full rent when on a HAP scheme.
· ‘Engagement’ with landowners who have planning permission but have not yet built homes. Last year, planning permission was granted for 62,000 apartments in Dublin but less than 4,000 were built. Speculators get planning permission and then wait until the price of land shoots up.
· Increase the grant to convert vacant properties into rental accommodation.
These concessions will help win a vote to scrap the eviction ban. Government TDs who are landlords will vote to accept, without the slightest embarrassment of a conflict of interest.
They will then be free to evict people who have nowhere to go. It is sickening – we really need a left government.
In the meantime, People Before Profit urge all tenants facing eviction not to move. If you need support get in touch with [email protected]